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Since the three springs are identical and parallel, the equivalent spring constant of the suspen sion system is given by keq = 3k = 3(40,) = 120, N/m . 53 SPRING ELEMENTS 33 FIGURE Parallel arrangement of springs in a freight truck. (Courtesy of Buckeye Steel Castings Company.)


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57 SPRING ELEMENTS 37 where A 1E1 (100 * 106)(207 * 109) k1 = = = * 106 N/m l1 and A 2E2 (2500 * 106)(207 * 109) k2 = = = * 107 N/m l2 10 Since the equivalent spring in the vertical direction undergoes a deformation x, the potential energy of the equivalent spring (Ueq) is given by # Ueq = 21 keqx 2 () By setting ...


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h. 0 m. 52), dont l'extrémité Sud n'est pas conservée : manque une longueur de 2 m. 30 (fig. 13). Le terrain compris entre ces trois murs est pavé de plaques de pôros, et sous cellesci, à 0 m. 45 0 m. 70 de leur surface, se trouve le pavement primitif du diolkos.
